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Create a new Flet app

To create a new "minimal" Flet app run the following command:

flet create <project-name>

for example:

flet create my_flet_app

<project-name> will be used as a name of output directory.

Flet will create <project-name> directory with the following

import flet as ft

def main(page: ft.Page):
page.add(ft.SafeArea(ft.Text("Hello, Flet!")))

To create your Flet app in current directory, run the following command:

flet create .

Flet program has main() function where you would add UI elements (controls) to a page or a window. The application ends with a blocking function which initializes Flet app and runs main().

To create a new Flet app from "counter" template run the following command:

flet create --template counter <project-name>

Or, to create Flet app from counter template in your current directory, run this command:

flet create --template counter .

You can find more information about flet create command here.

Now you let's see Flet in action by running the app!